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Cycling to Work: A Lifestyle Change

Over the last few weeks I’ve gotten myself back into cycling to work, this new found love of road cycling came about when on a chilled-out break down in Cornwall.

Watergate Bay, Cornwall

Of the 5 days we spent living the simple beach lifestyle, we moved the van once – cycling everywhere; to the beach, to the town, to the pub, to the shop. I really felt a kick out of getting to my destination under my own steam.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed cycling – but like most adventurous things I do, I just always preferred to be off-road. It probably comes as no surprise that majority of cycling I do is on my mountain bike, where the next adrenaline rush is only seconds away; a drop off, a super tight corner or even a near miss – there’s always something to get the blood rushing!

Exploring the Ribble Valley

I never quite got the same feeling from road cycling. I always felt it was just a way of getting from A to B, exciting – but not dangerous, fun – but not exhilarating, fast – but not thrilling.

Yet, in Cornwall, I found myself so incredibly happy and content cycling on the roads. Maybe it was simply the fact I was on holiday; off work & university finished for the year, maybe it was the sea breeze, maybe the thought of ice-cream/cornish pasties/beer, or maybe it was just simply the satisfaction only being outside can bring – whatever form it takes.

As my regular readers will know – I’m one of those people who will take absolutely any opportunity to go outside.

Whatever it was, I knew I’d been bitten by the cycling bug!

Exploring the coastlines of Cornwall. We cycled everyday!

Following my accident earlier this year, I had to adapt my lifestyle to keep healthy, whilst unable to do my ‘usual activities’. Unfortunately running is still off the agenda. Cycling is therefore the perfect alternative, being non-weight bearing exercise.

So the first Monday back to work after the Cornwall trip, I decided there would be no excuse – I would be on my bike come rain or shine.

For me, my cycle route into work is an 11.3 mile route (6.8 miles on country roads with epic Ribble Valley scenery & 4.5 miles on a busy A-road, praying to god I don’t get knocked off!)

I’d say I have a decent level of fitness, meaning I can comfortably do the ride in under 40minutes. With an additional 15 minutes to secure my bike in the shelter at work, shower and change at work – meaning from setting off, I can be at my desk at work in under an hour.

To put that into context, if I were to drive, my alarm would go off at 6, I would probably snooze it twice, wake up feeling lethargic & on a go-slow to get organised for work. Typically I’ll be on the work clock somewhere between 7-7.15am.

To facilitate cycling to work, I haven’t changed the time my morning alarm goes off; still the same 6am alarm. Yet instead of snoozing it, dawdling & generally being on a go slow – I get up, quick wash, straight into my cycling kit – picking up my pre-packed bag, lunch and helmet & I’m off, away from my front door by 6.15am. Excited by the prospect of cycling and being outside!

Some nights I don’t cycle straight home, I just keep going. This one was from the Nick of Pendle.

There are so many health benefits associated with cycling; increased fitness levels, improved joint mobility, decreased stress levels & also helps prevent serious diseases (obesity, stroke, heart attack & depression).

Leaving the car at home and cycling to work is a fantastic way to get the benefits of exercise and fresh air, without too much inconvenience to your normal routine.

From a personal perspective I feel empowered by the satisfaction of getting somewhere powered by my own legs. I feel more motivated, more awake & alert at work – there’s nothing like the kick of endorphins and adrenaline to start the day!

My morning commute!

I don’t get that drowsy, lethargic feeling from sitting behind wheel of a car just on autopilot, falling back asleep. I don’t arrive at work sat down, requiring that more motivation to get back up. I also find cycling a brilliant way to vent any frustrations built up during the day – meaning no aggressive driving. In the past, I will admit to a tendency to drive erratically after a long and frustrating day – leading to higher risk of a road traffic accident. Cycling & exercise in general is just the perfect way to channel that built up stress, it not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood.

There is also the obvious fuel saving to consider too – for me that means more fuel money available for adventures, so I’m not really making a saving here!!

Vanlife Adventures!

I can guarantee that no matter how wet you get, how many punctures you get – once they’re fixed and you’ve had a hot shower, you won’t be able to wipe the endorphin-induced smile off your face!

Conversely, you might just have an incredible ride, taking in a beautiful sunrise/sunset – or you might just spot a view that makes you appreciate the place you call home that little bit more.

The Ribble Valley, the place I call home.

Considering how little cycling affects my morning routine in terms of time – right now I can’t think of any reason not to cycle into work. I feel accomplished arriving at work after my ride – this feeling of accomplishment brings positivity which can then be channelled into tasks that comprise the daily routine.

I have only been cycling to work for two weeks, yet already I feel so much better – healthier & so much more positive. It’s been a fantastic lifestyle change. I can’t recommend it highly enough! I hope by reading this, you feel inspired to do the same – leave the car at home & switch 4 wheels for 2!

A healthy lifestyle gives such a brilliant feel good factor. I feel on top of the world at the moment!

The Cycle to Work scheme is a great way to finance all the equipment needed to start cycling to work. There are several different schemes, but they all work in the same way – it just depends who your employee wishes to partner with & which stores accept that particular scheme. I recently used a Halfords Cycle2Work scheme, to get a great deal on some new safety accessories through Tredz.

For more details on how this government initiative works, to save you at least 32% on a new bike or accessories, check out the below link;


Thanks for reading! Please feel free to leave any comments with any questions!

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One Comment

  1. Hey Callum,
    I know the feeling well. I rode for three years back and forth from work in Winnipeg ranging in temperatures from +35 to -35 degree Celsius. Be careful because it takes one idiot to take you down which is what happened to me.

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