
I love the mountains, both in terms of sheer beauty & adventure opportunity. As an ultra-distance enthusiast, I spend most of my time cycling & running up them! As much as I love the satisfaction of a lung busting climb, the view & the downhill thrill is the ultimate reward.

Its seems like as cycling has taken over my life in recent years, I don’t do nearly enough of the other things that used to make me tick. Here are some of my skiing adventures over the years.

  • Ski Weekend in the Scottish Highlands

    Ski Weekend in the Scottish Highlands

    Last minute, spontaneous plans are always the best. I mean who doesn’t love getting a text on a Monday morning suggesting taking Friday off & heading north for a 3-day ski weekend in the Scottish Highlands?! Life has been hectic of late. Balancing training for 2020 goals, planning an 18-month career break, saving for an…